Q1 | Do you think we spend enough happy times together as a family?
Q2 | Do you think you eat enough healthy food?
Q3 | Do you wake up feeling rested and excited in the morning?
Q4 | Do you think you do enough exercise and get enough fresh air everyday?
Q5 | Do you think people like you?
Q6 | Do you like trying new things out even if you might get them wrong?
Q7 | Do you find it easy to talk about your feelings?
Q8 | Do you have friends that make you feel happy?
Q9 | Do you like trying to do your best because it makes you feel good inside?
Q10 | Do you enjoy learning new things even when they are hard?
Q11 | Do you think that you are well behaved and have good manners?
Q12 | Are you a confident person?
Q13 | Can you speak about your feelings easily?
Q14 | Are you your own best friend?
Q15 | Are you proud of the way you look?
Q16 | Do you keep on trying even when things are tough?
Q17 | Do you find it easy to make good choices?
Q18 | Do you think you are happier more than you are grumpy?
Q19 | Do you think you have lots of things that you are good at?
Q20 | Are you happy with your life?