Is kids life coaching just for children with problems?


At the Kids Life Studio® we have been working tirelessly to change the perception that kids life coaching is just for children with problems. Kids Life Coaching is suitable for everyday children with everyday challenges. We believe that every child no matter their background or circumstance can benefit from another caring adult who neutral and able to give them unconditional and structured support in a world that can sometimes be tricky to navigate.

 Behaviour is made up of four components: acting, thinking, feeling and physiology. No matter if your child appear to be high performing or they are under performing, they will benefit from being coached to understand that they have control over the their lives and this relates to learning how to make good choices based on the fundamentals of goal setting.

 Let’s face it, because children lack experience and perspective, they tend to make decisions that are impulsive and focused on immediate reward especially when they have faced previous trauma.  Often this can get them into trouble or can cause them to be labelled or result in long-term consequences.  Your child can be coached on how to more consciously self-evaluate so that the behaviours they choose have the best chance of helping them achieve what they want in ways that are responsible.


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