Imagine Leading A Successful Kids Life Coaching Practice: Impactful, Profitable, Fulfilling!

The Kids Life Studio® has taken the lead in establishing an ethical framework for the Kids Life Coaching profession to develop by offering quality training that is fully comprehensive and easily accessible.

In 2014, we launched our online school, The Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy in response to a demand for professionals around the world, either wanting to add to their existing business or to start a business as a certified Kids Life Studio® Coach.

We didn’t want to be just another service provider in the Kids Life Coaching industry that is largely unregulated and becoming diluted by “quick fix” options that look good in theory but aren’t always realistic in practice.

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4 pillars 02 - Kids Life Coach Training

We believe in accountability when it comes to supporting children, which is why our training covers legalities along with a robust coaching curriculum for setting up an ethical Kids Life Coaching practice.

We commit to:

  • Creating programmes that build coping skills, resilience and confidence in young people based on the fundamentals of neuroscience.
  • Empowering and engaging parents, teachers and caregivers to reinforce and extend the benefits of our coaching programmes.
  • Creating a well qualified network of suitable individuals to deliver Kids Life Studio® programmes across the globe.
  • Providing a research informed coaching model, which is designed to give children and their families the tools to cope with whatever life throws their way!

Interested in finding out how children can benefit from Life Coaching? Then our free Special Report has all the information you need.

Interested in our certification process?

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Step 1 – Screening

Before being enrolled in our Kids Life Coach Certification training, we ask that you complete an online application  form and attend a video strategy call to see if our organisation is a good fit for you. Although all of our certified Kids Life Studio® coaches work independently, we recruit members to join our global network who share our vision and are…

  • E d u c a t e d
    with a background that relates to the field and they have some previous experience with children.
  • S i n c e r e &nbsp a n d &nbsp h o n e s t
    about being a Kids Life Coach – they are in it for the true value and genuinely care about children.
  • P a s s i o n a t e
    about wanting to make a positive impact on the world. They are blue-sky thinkers and not scared to think big when it comes to improving children’s lives.
  • T e a m &nbsp p l a y e r s
    who know the value of surrounding themselves with like-minded professionals. They understand that team work makes the dream work.
  • A u t h e n t i c
    and not driven by ego and are willing to share rather than take. They contribute to our team by giving freely of their expertise because they understand the value of growing alongside each other.
  • L i f e - l o n g &nbsp l e a r n e r s
    who understand the value of self-development and personal growth as part of nurturing their own “Leadership Mindset”.
  • S e r i o u s
    about making a financial success of their lives through running a reputable business that is based on being of service as a Kids Life Coach.

Step 2 – Training

We offer online self-paced training through our Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy  along with live professional development training. We have our own in-house code of ethics that ensures we have a global network of  world class kids life coaches who walk the walk and talk the talk.

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star sketch - Kids Life Coach Training

Step 3 – Mentorship

Self paced training can leave you feeling isolated and it may be hard to stay on track. This is why we offer weekly online group mentorship sessions as an added layer of support.  Our global network of collective wisdom is one of the best parts of our training – meeting likeminded professionals who share your passion and energy. Our ongoing professional supervision, means that any problems you experience are solved collectively and that you can gain new perspectives from children’s change makers around the world. 

With the support of our strong brand presence as a backup, we give the flexibility to choose where, when and how coaches would like to assist children. The benefit of our training is that whilst we give the tools, templates and proven systems to coach children, you aren’t tied down by any restrictions and you can build your coaching practice around the needs you identify in your community. 

Step 4 – Certification

Once you have completed your online training, you will be ready to coach children! To obtain your final certification, you will need to participate in practical case studies that are based on putting our 10-step coaching process into action. You will be evaluated on your coaching sessions and given feedback according to a set of criteria that supports you to confidently setup your ethical and sustainable coaching practice. 

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star sketch - Kids Life Coach Training

Step 5 – Professional Supervision

We are proud of our highly passionate global community of Kids Life Coaches who are driven with huge aspirations to change the world, one child at a time. Which is why our alumni community stay in touch with us to stay on track with coaching best practices, trends and research in the field. Always learning, always growing! That is our philosophy at Kids Life Studio®!

Transform Lives And Earn: Start Your Kids Life Coaching Practice Today!

Click here to complete your application.

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