Does kids life coaching really work?


We understand that all negative side effects in a child’s life is a sign of an unmet need. Our tagline is “Where choices are made easy” and we empower children to become the leaders of their own lives by offering them access to a powerful toolkit which is easy to understand and use. When they feel empowered, children are able to look beyond their problems and make positive choices.

Our specially formulated Kids Life Coaching Programmes offer the essential Ingredients, to help to re-engineer bad habits into good habits through structured daily activities that lay the foundation for lasting change. These activities are based on forming new neural pathways in the brain which will ultimately overrule the old faulty belief systems. This results in better lifestyle choices and positive outcomes.

If you still aren’t convinced, why not request a taster session from one of our certified Kids Life Studio® coaches or look at our events calendar for upcoming workshops to experience our approach. 

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