How many sessions of coaching will my child need?


After we have assessed your child through our online lifestyle assessment, we will recommend a tailor-made plan of action based on your child’s needs which could include individual or group coaching.

If we recommend our foundation coaching programme, this is held over a 7 month time frame and consists of 4 x 45 minute weekly foundation sessions, 4 x 30 minute fortnightly maintenance sessions and 4 x 30 minute monthly maintenance sessions.  If you enrol in a group coaching programme, this usually takes place over 4 x 2 hour sessions (but can vary).

 We believe that motivation is a lifelong process so we also have building blocks programmes that focus on various life skills related topics and your child can enrol in any of these once they have participated in the foundation coaching programme along with additional holiday programmes and workshops so that you can maintain your child’s success.

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